Brain’s reaction to virtual reality should prompt further study, suggests new research by UCLA neuroscientists

UCLA neurophysicists have found that space-mapping neurons in…

UCLA astronomers solve puzzle about bizarre object at the center of our galaxy

For years, astronomers have been puzzled by a bizarre object…

‘Treasure in saliva’ may reveal deadly diseases early enough to treat them, UCLA scientists report

UCLA research could lead to a simple saliva test capable of diagnosing…

Discovery of heart’s repair process suggests potential new treatment strategy for heart attack

UCLA researchers have discovered that some scar-forming cells…

UCLA Egyptologist gives new life to female pharaoh from 15th century B.C.

By the time of her death in 1458 B.C., Egypt’s Pharaoh Hatshepsut…

Homage to the ‘little fruit fly that could’

The amazing advances made in mapping the human genome don’t…

Amy Rowat cooks up science

Amy Rowat, an assistant professor at UCLA's Department of Integrative…

‘Rebirth’ of Japanese studies reflected in new scholars, new directions

William Marotti couldn’t believe his good fortune when he was…

UCLA Space Scientists Find Way to Monitor Elusive Collisions in Space

Many collisions occur between asteroids and other objects in…

Scientists Map Elusive 3-D Structure of Telomerase Enzyme, Key Actor in Cancer, Aging

Like finally seeing all the gears of a watch and how they work…