With memories spanning decades, majors and interests, graduates of the UCLA College reflect on their time as students and their hopes for the College’s next 100 years. Read their stories below, and click here to share your own.

Break Records
“I have always been proud to have earned my B.A., M.A. and my Ph.D. at UCLA. I was then fortunate to join the history department’s team of lecturers until 2001. By that time, I had taught more courses in the U. S. field than anyone had prior, and I suspect that record still holds.”
Jacqueline Braitman ’79, M.A. ’81, Ph.D. ’88 | History
I was a transfer student from Santa Monica College. So, anticipating attending UCLA was a combination of excitement, nervousness and, once there, being totally overwhelmed. I was a non-traditional student; a few years older, and yet completely in the dark about what to expect or what to plan for. I had missed the usual college preparatory anxiety, preoccupation with grades and the cliffhanger days waiting for an acceptance letter to get into a first-choice institution. Although I thrived at SMC, needless to say, when I got to UCLA, I was a bit lost. This was especially true after coming from the semester system and having had several wonderful and inspiring instructors, up close and personal, not in huge lecture halls or having teaching assistants as the primary facilitator of seminars and grading.
I initially focused on courses about European history, but for my master’s degree, I switched to the U. S. history field. Along with my classes in the north campus, I worked in the south campus, at the medical school bookstore. I loved learning about all of the books and even became a pseudo-reference librarian at the customer service counter. Over time, the variety of my part-time jobs utilized my blossoming research skills — and aching feet — such as finding source material for David Starling’s local radio commercials called “Toyota Minute” or getting hired by a Japanese author to do research for her book, “The History of Nail Care.” Over the decades, as a graduate student and beyond, more sophisticated research became a way of life. All of my projects early on and up to the present have made me feel like a detective or investigator who continues to be challenged by intriguing adventures. You never know where the evidence will take you.
“As an undergraduate; at graduation with my mother; and in Tokyo, 1980, for the UCLA football game vs Arizona State.”
The variety of courses in those early years included the history of cinema, history of dance, and logic (which, like statistics and physics, I loved until midway when equations continued to stump me.) Later courses included European intellectual history of the 19th and 20th centuries, with Russell Jacoby and Peter Loewenberg respectively, where I read a sampling of iconic books such as Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and Marcel Proust’s “Remembrance of Things Past” and Albert Camus’ “The Plague.” One of my memorable moments as an undergraduate was in Loewenberg’s class, where I applied my unique perspective to the course material. He welcomed my offer to give a lecture on the differences between modern dance and classical ballet, and how these genres represented similar cultural and social tensions in Europe and America during the early 20th century. I also had the opportunity to use my dance training to perform in two UCLA student productions, one a master’s thesis live-performance (also on tape) and another from the film department.
American intellectual history with Steven Novack was especially enlightening, but I continued to travel through diverse fields: the controversial scholar Sanford Shaw’s history of the Ottoman Empire; Temma Kaplan’s European women’s history, and Karen Rowe’s literature class, where I read “The Story of O” and “Pride and Prejudice.” I took a class on linguistics, where I learned the art of annotated bibliography, but I don’t recall the connection between that and the subject itself. My academic adventure took me to Jewish intellectual history with Amos Funkenstein, who smoked cigarettes down to the filter, which he held close to his mouth while he coughed throughout his entire lecture. Art history with Albert Hoxie was another wonderful class. The common denominator of all of these courses was the breadth of reading, across time and place, and a luxury not equaled since, even in graduate school.
My favorite places on campus were the north campus food court and the sculpture garden. When I was at Santa Monica College, I used to study in the UCLA law library, but, once attending UCLA, I spent what became the majority of my adult life at the research library.
“With my father at my Ph.D. graduation party, 1988; another graduation portrait; a headshot from my early years teaching at UCLA.”
Some of the most memorable times at UCLA were during my two tenures as a student government representative, first as president of the history department’s graduate student association, and then as the president (administrative officer) of the campuswide Graduate Students Association. Along with my classmates, we established the UCLA Historical Journal, and voted to divest students’ monies from banks doing business with South Africa. Because of my work with UCLA’s Oral History office, (receiving a travel grant and publishing of my interviews with two children of the subject of my dissertation), I wrote an article for the Journal’s inaugural issue about the oral history program called “History by Word of Mouth,” which I thought was pretty clever. More personally, having monthly lunches with Chancellor Charles Young and Undergraduate Student Body President Fred Gaines was a rare experience for most students on any campus. Even more so, though, was the opportunity for student government officials and administrative VIPS, along with the football team and the marching band, to spend a week in Japan. Most years, the football away games were within the contiguous 48 states, but this year, UCLA was playing Arizona State in the Mirage Bowl in Tokyo, so that’s where our gigantic entourage went. We arrived on or near Thanksgiving in 1980, and to our surprise, we were served a wonderful traditional holiday dinner which included corn chowder soup, and one I never had before or since.
One night, I tried Kobe beef with a group made up of Chancellor Young, his daughter and other campus executives. It was one of the most memorable dinners I’ve ever had. So was the parade we were in on the way to the stadium, sitting in the huge football helmet on wheels, as was the amazing bullet train to Kyoto, and hanging around with City Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky and his wife, Barbara.
I have always been proud to have earned my B.A., M.A. and my Ph.D. at UCLA. I was then fortunate to join the history department’s team of lecturers until 2001. By that time, I had taught more courses in the U. S. field than anyone had prior, and I suspect that record still holds.
“‘Justice Stanley Mosk,’ 2020; current photo, 2023; latest book published, 2020.”
For the future, I hope that UCLA maintains and reaffirms the importance of promoting the humanities and liberal arts, especially among more singularly focused STEM majors. There should be no retreat from the notion that UCLA graduates obtain not just skills applicable to job descriptions, but also offers all students the opportunity to explore a broad-based education in order to become a well-informed citizen, with sharpened critical thinking skills and hopefully having developed a lifelong passion for learning.
There was a strong sense back then that the northern and southern campus landscapes created a divide that fostered competing worldviews, technical specialties and social outcomes — the north, with its humanities and social sciences, and the southern emphasis on engineering, hard sciences and of course, medical professional schools. Building bridges between these two worlds should be encouraged and nurtured for the daunting challenges students will face throughout the 21st century.

Make a Difference
“During my time as a leader in student government, we saw important achievements through, including signing the final agreement to remove all ASUCLA investment in businesses or investment portfolios that did business with the apartheid regime in South Africa.”
Robert “Bobby” Grace ’84 | Political science
My first year at UCLA did involve some nervousness on my part as I started my studies amongst the undergraduates in Westwood. I remember the large lecture hall where I took Political Science 10 — it seemed cavernous, and was certainly a little intimidating. One space on campus that came to be very important to me was Kerckhoff 400, the large meeting room where the Undergraduate Student Government convened its council meetings. My time as student body vice president and student body president caused me to spend many a night in that ornate room.
During my time as a leader in student government, we saw important achievements through, including signing the final agreement to remove all ASUCLA investment in businesses or investment portfolios that did business with the apartheid regime in South Africa. In addition, one of my most memorable moments as an undergraduate was being a volunteer with the Prison Coalition and a founder of the Special Education Exposure Project, an outreach program for ninth grade students interested in UCLA.
Throughout my undergraduate years, I enjoyed group outings and camaraderie with fellow students in the Freshman Summer Program, which had introduced me to UCLA before I started out as a first-year student. As a political science major, I also enjoyed having political discussions with my friends. My favorite class was “Malcolm X and Black Liberation,” taught by Professor Eugene Victor Wolfenstein.
The courses that I took as an undergraduate enhanced my love for electoral politics, and I was able to put that to use in my student government experience as well as in my future career. After graduating from UCLA, I went to Loyola Law School here in Los Angeles, then on to a 30-plus-year career as a deputy district attorney with Los Angeles County.
As we look forward to the next century, I hope the UCLA College will embrace both the challenge and hope that comes with innovations like AI and remote learning — an extremely important consideration as UCLA searches for a new chancellor.

Shape The Future
“In my heart, UCLA has been a part of me ever since the first day I set foot on campus, and I’m still committed to doing the work to help UCLA continue to be the top public university in the country.”
Brett York ’86 | Economics
My journey at UCLA began with a family connection — my brother Scott, who attended four years before me. I recall visits to his dorm rooms and meeting the star football player Jerry Robinson, then going to see him play at the Coliseum (UCLA hadn’t moved to the Rose Bowl yet). My brother would drive me around Westwood, Beverly Hills and Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, and as a teenager, I was in awe of the glitz and glam, the fancy cars and the huge billboards! He had painted such a vivid picture of campus life and Los Angeles that I couldn’t help but envision myself going to UCLA.
The Freshman Summer Program provided a wonderful prelude to my UCLA experience. In the program, I forged strong connections despite a rather unexpected encounter with a driver who crashed into my car (while it was parked) only 10 minutes after my parents bid me farewell for six weeks. No sunset drives for me that summer. What really stood out, though, was that my peers in the program — and these were people I had just met — all rallied around me. Some of the people I got to know in FSP turned out to be my lifelong friends; it was the resilience and camaraderie of my fellow FSP participants that left an indelible mark on me.
Dykstra Hall was home during my freshman and sophomore years — a place where I shared dinner tables with athletic Bruin legends like Irv Eatman, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Flo-Jo and the top players on the UCLA basketball team, who included four star freshmen and a senior (Darren Daye, Rod Foster, Cliff Pruitt, Michael Holton and Mike Sanders). These top athletes were all my dorm buddies.
During that year’s NCAA basketball tournament, when those dorm buddies hit the winning shot in the semifinals, every dorm on campus just exploded. Off we stormed, screaming and running down the stairs — we all ran down to Westwood and started this big bonfire. There must have been thousands of kids there! And it just made me realize: I’m in college; I’ve arrived. That’s what it felt like. We didn’t end up winning the championship that year, but that night and that experience were unforgettable.
Westwood in the early eighties was a vibrant hub, buzzing with activity every Friday and Saturday night. Donna Summer, Prince, Chic and The Sugarhill Gang reigned, with Dillon’s Disco being a go-to spot. Movies played at 2:00 am, and (before the In-N-Out and Diddy Reese crazes) we had Fatburger, with a line of people snaking around the block. The arrival of the ’84 Olympics brought its own surge of energy, turning Westwood into a bustling haven.
Life in the dorms offered a unique blend of stress relief and shared moments, like the collective yelling out of dorm windows during midterms and finals. It was the kind of quirky tradition that made life at UCLA so special — and it was mostly a Rieber and Sproul thing: one person would yelp out, “Rieber!” (high pitched) and then someone from across the way would bellow back, “Sproul!” (low pitched). And it would be infectious to the point where you’d have hundreds of students going back and forth. It was just one of those funny things unique to dorm life at UCLA.
Although I was an economics major, my academic journey was enriched by many other courses in music, languages and the arts. Some of the more noted UCLA professors included Mazisi Kunene, teaching about Shaka the Great; Kenny Burrell’s history of jazz course, with guest appearances by luminaries like Miles Davis, also stands out as a highlight. The energy and passion of professors like Beverly Robinson in African American theater arts left an enduring impact, shaping my lifelong appreciation and connection to UCLA.
Bruin Walk and Kerckhoff Hall each hold a special place in my heart. They were gathering spots for students of color in the eighties. The Black Student Union, now known as the Afrikan Student Union, was housed in Kerckhoff, and during my time at UCLA I served as the BSU’s program coordinator. During my tenure, we organized and hosted the first statewide UC BSU Undergraduate Summit. Additionally, every Wednesday on the “Walk” near Kerckhoff, all of the Divine 9 organizations (Black Greek fraternities and sororities) at UCLA would socialize between noon and 2:00 pm. I served as president of the Gamma Xi Chapter for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (which is the oldest intercollegiate African American fraternity, founded in 1906). I was also recognized as Alpha’s Western Regional College Brother of the Year.
Serving as the vice chair of the Program Activities Board through USAC was both enlightening and satisfying, as I was able to help fund a diverse slate of programs both on and off campus. The Special Education Exposure Project, aimed at guiding future Bruins, was always a favorite program — and as a UCLA Black Alumni Association board member today, I am still committed to paying it forward and supporting scholarship, admissions and student life enhancing initiatives. I was also involved in initiatives that served the community through support, mentorship and leadership, including the Jefferson Tutorial Project and the Prison Coalition. During my commencement, I wore a special blue-and-gold shoulder fourragère, which is an acknowledgement of being a Chancellor’s Marshal — a distinction awarded to students who made significant contributions to UCLA and/or the surrounding Los Angeles community through a sustained record of outstanding service.
Being an involved student at UCLA was a transformative experience that opened my eyes to a vast array of dynamics, offering valuable lessons about life’s complexities — both the uplifting and the challenging. As I assumed various leadership roles on campus, I found myself not only navigating the intricacies of university life, but also becoming attuned to global issues that reverberated in our campus world and the surrounding communities.
The early eighties marked a period of heightened social awareness and activism, and UCLA was a crucible where these global issues found a resonant voice. The call to divest from banks investing in South Africa during the apartheid era was another impactful moment in my UCLA journey. The protest against apartheid prompted a collective push for UCLA to divest from institutions that supported the oppressive regime. This involved not only vocalizing our dissent but also taking concrete actions, such as resisting the installation of ATMs on campus affiliated with banks investing in South Africa.
These experiences taught me the profound power of protest at UCLA. It was more than just expressing discontent; it was a demonstration of the university community’s ability to effect change, challenge unjust systems and stand in solidarity with global struggles for justice. The lessons learned during those tumultuous times continue to resonate, highlighting the enduring importance of activism, advocacy and the pursuit of a more just and equitable world.
As I reflect on those years, I recognize that UCLA was not just a place of academic learning but a place where students could actively engage with the pressing issues of our time. It was an environment that fostered critical thinking, social consciousness and the belief that our collective actions could shape a better future.
After graduation, I moved back up to Northern California and married my high school sweetheart. I didn’t miss Los Angeles that much, but I absolutely missed UCLA. So I got involved as an alumnus with the UCLA Alumni Association, and I’ve been a committed volunteer for the last 30+ years, serving in some aspect on scholarships, admissions or at a board level with the Alumni Association. Currently, I am also serving on the board for the UCLA Black Alumni Association. In my heart, UCLA has been a part of me ever since the first day I set foot on campus, and I’m still committed to doing the work to help UCLA continue to be the top public university in the country.
Looking back at the legacies of leaders, professors, mentors, colleagues and friends that I have had the privilege of encountering at UCLA — including people such as Winston Doby, Joan Nelson, Viscount “Berky” Nelson, Halford Fairchild, Youlonda Copeland-Morgan, Julie Sina, David Morgan, George Brown, Patricia Nguyen, Dr. Denise Pacheco, Peter Taylor, Bobby Grace, Mandla Kayise, John Caldwell, Eric White, Makani Themba, King Bishop and countless others — I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
The wealth of knowledge, guidance and support I received from each of these remarkable individuals has been instrumental in shaping the person I am today. Their commitment to excellence, passion for education, and unwavering dedication to fostering an inclusive and vibrant community have left an indelible mark on my UCLA experience and, indeed, my life journey.
Reflecting on the tenures of Chancellors Charles Young, Albert Carnesale and Gene Block, I am struck by the remarkable progress and accomplishments that have shaped UCLA into the esteemed institution it is today. Their visionary leadership has not only elevated the university’s standing nationally, but has also propelled UCLA onto the global stage.
Chancellor Block, in particular, has left an indelible mark during his tenure, steering UCLA through a dynamic period of growth, innovation and societal impact. His commitment to academic excellence, diversity and inclusivity has been instrumental in shaping the university’s character and mission.
As we look to the future, it is my sincere hope that UCLA continues on this trajectory of greatness. I envision a leadership that not only sustains the legacy of its predecessors, but also pushes the boundaries of conventional wisdom. Our aim should be nothing short of making UCLA the preeminent university not only in the country, but on a global scale.
Crucial to this vision is the continued support for diverse groups and the active cultivation of diverse perspectives. Embracing a multiplicity of voices and experiences enriches the academic environment, fosters innovation and equips students to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. I hope that UCLA remains at the forefront of championing inclusivity, equity and representation.
Jill C. Pipher ’79, M.A. ’80, Ph.D. ’85
Nancy Halpern Ibrahim ’80, M.P.H. ’93
Todd Spitzer ’82
Tracy Pierson ’83
Felicia D. Henderson ’84, M.F.A ’04
Maria Strong ’85
Michael Teitell ’85, M.S. ’85, Ph.D. ’91, M.D. ’93
Glenna Tolbert ’85
Karen L. Robinson ’86, J.D. ’89
Joe Earley ’88
Monty Minchin ’88
Celeste Drake ’89, J.D. ’02, M.P.P. ’02
Special thanks to the UCLA Alumni Association and UCLA Alumni Diversity Programs & Initiatives.
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