Tag Archive for: UCLA

First-of-its kind crowdfunding campaign raises over $69,000 for undergraduate research

A first-of-its-kind crowdfunding campaign raised more than $69,000…

Native American siblings stop at nothing to graduate from UCLA and lift their community

Obstacles and adversity have never stopped these three first-generation…

UCLA faculty voice: Separating children from parents at the border isn’t just cruel. It’s torture.

Children arriving at the U.S. border in search of asylum are…

Labor activist Dolores Huerta fires up crowd at UCLA

“How did we get so upside down?” the activist and co-founder…

‘Black Panther’ success amplifies findings of UCLA’s Hollywood Diversity Report

“In part, we hope this serves as tool for artists, producers,…

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel urges students to embrace risk in Startup UCLA roundtable

In a roundtable discussion with UCLA students and Chicago entrepreneurs…

UCLA’s Neil Garg wins country’s leading teaching award and its $250,000 prize

The Cherry Award honors outstanding professors who are extraordinary,…

UCLA students get busy during Summer Sessions

Priority enrollment for summer 2018 opened on February 1, which…

See a ‘spectacular’ lunar meteorite at UCLA’s Meteorite Gallery

Named “La’gad,” the 185-gram meteorite eventually made…

Where Are They Now: Kevin Brazile

Judge Kevin Brazile recently appeared in a UCLA Newsroom article…