Tag Archive for: research

An image of dust over the Sahara Desert.

Earth’s atmosphere far dustier than previously believed

Dust is a key component of Earth’s climate system. When…
A photo of Matie Zubiaurre, professor of Spanish and Portuguese in the UCLA College.

Spanish professor wins award for book on the cultural uses of garbage

Maite Zubiaurre, professor of Spanish and Portuguese in the…
A photo of a valley oak tree.

UCLA College Celebrates Earth Day

Not only does this mark its 50th anniversary, this Earth Day…
A photo of Stephanie Correa and Edward van Veen in Correa's UCLA laboratory

Research provides new insights into menopause and weight gain

Can women in menopause get the benefits of hormone replacement…
A photo of an article in the newspaper detailing the layoffs that continue to happen around the world.

With record unemployment filings, federal stimulus will help, but more is needed

As an economist and director of the California Policy Lab,…
A photo of James Lloyd-Smith.

Study reveals how long COVID-19 remains infectious on cardboard, metal and plastic

The virus that causes COVID-19 remains for several hours to days…
A photo of a 3D atomic structure information of a 2D material that was previously inaccessible due to the limitations of 2D images. A 2D image is shown beneath the 3D atomic coordinates of molybdenum in blue, sulfur in yellow and rhenium dopants in orange.

UCLA-led research team produces most accurate 3D images of ‘2D materials’

A UCLA-led research team has produced in unprecedented detail…
A photo of the Owens Valley lakebed.

Effort to limit dust pollution in Owens Valley is advancing, but still room to improve

The century-long battle over water between California’s…
A photo of an I voted sticker.

USA Today harnesses UCLA political scientists’ ‘Nationscape’ data

As voters in 14 states, including California, go to the polls…
An employment among homeless graphic.

Nearly 75% of L.A. County’s homeless previously worked in California

A report published Feb. 26 by the California Policy Lab…