Tag Archive for: physics

Child with a telescope with space, stars and a planet in the background
Alvine Kamaha in front of UCLA building
Israel Carrillo wearing a blue and gold graduation sash, with green leaves in the background.
Clockwise from left to right: UCLA College marshals Yogita Goyal, Stuart Brown, and Jose Rodriguez.

College marshals honored at UCLA College commencement

UCLA College marshals Yogita Goyal, Stuart Brown and Jose Rodriguez. UCLA…
Brookhaven National Laboratory/DOE

UCLA, partners win Department of Energy grant to boost diversity in field of nuclear physics

By Stuart Wolpert The UCLA Department of Physics and…
Photo of Andrea Ghez

Andrea Ghez wins 2020 Nobel Prize in physics

Andrea Ghez, UCLA’s Lauren B. Leichtman and Arthur E. Levine…
A photo of three UCLA students studying physics and engaging in their lab work.

Instructors’ foresight leads to remote learning success for physics labs

When UCLA announced on March 10 that the final weeks of winter…
A photo of Assistant Professor Wesley Campbell, UCLA Physics & Astronomy

UCLA physicists develop world’s best quantum bits

A team of researchers at UCLA has set a new record for…
Photos of UCLA College professors Jose Rodriguez and Erik Petigura.

Two UCLA College faculty members awarded 2020 Sloan Research Fellowships

Two young UCLA College professors, and two others, are among…