Tag Archive for: faculty


Connecting worlds through words with professor Michael Berry

This 2023 Guggenheim Fellow is found in translation Peggy…
King-Kok Cheung wearing a colorful top

King-Kok Cheung honored with lifetime achievement award

Evans Chan King-Kok Cheung Barbra Ramos | April…
UCLA professors Daniel Treisman, Harryette Mullen and Heather Maynard

American Academy of Arts and Sciences elects 3 UCLA faculty members

Inductees represent the physical sciences, humanities and…
UCLA College Guggenheim Fellows for 2023

4 College professors among UCLA’s 2023 Guggenheim Fellows

UCLA Clockwise from top left: Prineha Narang, Michael Berry,…
Miguel García-Garibay in the Royce Hall portico

Miguel García-Garibay appointed senior dean of UCLA College

The longtime faculty member will continue to lead the division…
Lamia Balafrej

Lamia Balafrej named Getty Research Institute scholar

Manon Snyder | October 24, 2022 Lamia Balafrej, an associate…

Inaugural faculty recipients of Mellon Foundation “Data, Justice and Society” grants

By Munia Bhaumik The following UCLA faculty members…
Alexandra Stern and Abel Valenzuela
Yesenia Aguilar Silvan (left) and Lauren Ng

Mentorship enhances mental health research focused on the underserved

Psychology professor Lauren Ng and doctoral student Yesenia Aguilar…
Portrait of Dean Tracy Johnson

Dean Tracy Johnson receives grant to launch undergraduate stem cell training program

UCLA Newsroom | August 30, 2022 Editor’s note:…