Tag Archive for: faculty

Physical Sciences Dean Miguel García-Garibay has been elected a 2019 Fellow of the American Chemical Society

Miguel García-Garibay, dean of the UCLA Division of…
Photo of Richard Kaner, with Maher El-Kady, holding a replica of an energy storage and conversion device the pair developed.

Creating electricity from snowfall and making hydrogen cars affordable

Professor Richard Kaner and researcher Maher El-Kady have…

Laure Murat roils the #MeToo debate in France

In a recent book, Director of the UCLA Center for European…

Professor’s latest book examines the history of cities

The only thing a person really needs to be an archaeologist…
4d graphic rendering of iron-platinum nanoparticle

Atomic motion is captured in 4D for the first time

Results of UCLA-led study contradict a long-held classical…
Photo of baby laughing

Babies Know the Difference between the Laughter of Friends and Strangers

Five-month-olds may use chuckles to identify information about…
Andrea Ghez, Lauren B. Leichtman & Arthur E. Levine Chair in Astrophysics at UCLA, receiving an honorary doctorate from Oxford University on June 26, 2019. Ghez is with her sons.

UCLA astronomer receives honorary degree from Oxford

By Lisa Garibay Andrea Ghez, distinguished professor of…
Student researchers on the beach hold up water samples for the camera

Chancellor’s Award for Community-Engaged Research to develop courses that bring research to L.A. community organizations

Chancellor’s Award for Community-Engaged Research to develop…
Coretta Harris, left, chair of the 2019 Gold Shield Faculty Prize Committee; Paul Barber; and Karen Sears, ecology and evolutionary biology department chair, who nominated Barber for the award.

Marine scientist Paul Barber named 2019 Gold Shield Faculty Prize winner

  In the very first day of his “Introduction to…
Patricia J. Johnson

UCLA microbiologist Patricia J. Johnson elected to National Academy of Sciences

Patricia J. Johnson, UCLA professor of microbiology, immunology…