UCLA Connections Webinar series: How do we show kindness when we are unable to be close to others?

Webinar series: Dealing with the everyday implications of the coronavirus crisis

Beginning April 29, UCLA faculty experts will appear online to discuss topics related to everyday life during the coronavirus crisis, as part of a new webinar series called UCLA Connections. The virtual events are open to the public.

The conversations are intended to build community and foster resilience as we address and adapt to the changes brought about by COVID-19. The 20- to 30-minute interviews will highlight research by UCLA experts that can help us understand ourselves as individuals and as members of relationships, communities and families, especially as people’s normal routines have been upended.

Topics include attitudes toward food, navigating relationships with spouses and partners, handling stress at home and work, managing technology for kids, and how to find happiness and show kindness. Admission is free, but advance registration for each session is required. Participants also may use the registration website to submit questions in advance; moderators will select some of those questions to ask during the conversation.

How do we show kindness when we are unable to be close to others?
Thursday, May 14
1 p.m. Pacific time

Evolutionary anthropologist Dan Fessler is director of the recently launched UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute. In a conversation with UCLA College’s Melissa Abraham, he will discuss how kindness may look different in our world today but abounds even in these difficult times.
More information and registration

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