The SPACE Economy Forecast
By 2040, the space economy could be the next-trillion dollar industry. UCLA is a global leader in forecasting the state of that economy and in developing the science, exploration and innovation that drive it. Join us for a fascinating presentation and panel discussion on the outlook of the space economy, featuring top leaders from academia, the investment and entrepreneurial communities, and workforce development with a specific focus on diversity, equity and inclusion.
Jerry Nickelsburg
Faculty Director, UCLA Anderson ForecastJaneya Griffin
Founder & CEO, The Commercializer Founder & Chair, Equity Space AllianceStorm Boswick
Founder, TRE Advisors – Strategic Advisory, Governance, Investments & Asset ManagementJon Arenberg
Chief Mission Architect, Science and Robotic Exploration, Northrop GrummanWednesday, May 3, 2023
3:00 p.m. PT
Outdoor reception to followCovel Commons, Grand Horizon Ballroom 330 De Neve Dr Los Angeles, CA 90095