A close-up view of a laboratory setting, showcasing a pipette dispensing a liquid into one of the many small, clear tubes arranged in a tray. The tray is dark blue, and the background is blurred, emphasizing the precision of the experiment in progress.

Scientific rigor and creativity on display at Undergraduate Research Week 2024

Meet some of this year’s more than 1,600 student researchers By…
Scrabble-like tiles spell out the word “please.”

Bruin Bookshelf Spotlight: Professor Zrinka Stahuljak

‘Fixers: Agency, Translation, and the Early Global History…
A portrait of Diego Sarmiento in a maroon dress shirt with a stained wood wall in the background.

Diego Sarmiento awarded prestigious Truman Scholarship and Strauss Scholarship

Sarmiento is the first UCLA undergraduate to receive the Truman…
A composite image of Justin Torres against a blue background.
Wilfrid Gangbo in a blue and white jacket with green leaves in the background.
A composite image of Sean Astin against an aerial photograph of UCLA's campus.