Unit 18 Excellence Review Process [for Initial Continuing Lecturer appointments]

Per Article 7B.D.7, the University shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that a qualified Unit 18 faculty member participates on such review committees although no individual shall be required to serve on the committee.


Per the above article, it is imperative to have a Unit 18 member participate in all Initial Continuing Lecturer review process. There are by two ways in which this can be achieved:

  1. Department Ad Hoc/Review Committee. A Unit 18 member must be included in the committee and this committee is not confidential and must be disclosed to the candidate.
  2. Faculty meeting discussion of the candidate’s case. If a department does not constitute an Ad Hoc/Review Committee for Initial Continuing cases, a Unit 18 faculty member must be present at the time the case is being discussed at a faculty meeting. The Unit 18 faculty member is allowed to participate in the faculty discussion. However, they will not vote on the case as they are not academic senate members.


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