Hollywood Diversity Report: Mounting evidence that more diverse casts help the bottom line

The Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies has published its third annual Hollywood Diversity Report. The comprehensive study, subtitled “Busine$$ as Usual?,” examines the relationships between diversity and profitability in Hollywood, and finds once again that audiences, regardless of their race, prefer diverse content.

What’s wrong with single-sex schools? A lot.

The notion of boys’ and girls’ schools conjures rosy images of elite private institutions, but the history of single-sex education in the United States is rife with misguided prejudice.

UCLA faculty voice: The art of copying has been lost in the digital age

Copying and syncing digital files is easy now — perhaps too easy. A mere $10 a month buys you identical copies of a digital song on every device and computer you own.

Oscars Still So White: Academy Nominates Nearly All White Actors, Again

For the second year in a row, no non-white actor was among the 20 acting nominations for the Academy Awards. NPR’s Kelly McEvers talks about the awards and Hollywood’s struggles with diversity with Darnell Hunt, director of UCLA’s Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies.

UCLA faculty voice: Race, dignity and luck

For more than a year, this country has witnessed an extraordinary display by young folks protesting our nation’s racial disregard toward and violence against black bodies. Police brutality is being captured with greater frequency on cameras, proving true what black folks have complained about for decades.

UCLA faculty voice: Ten environmental reasons to be thankful

Thanksgiving is the one national holiday that has avoided being despoiled by excessive commercialization. It is a time when families and friends gather to appreciate one another and be thankful.

UCLA faculty voice: Nine environmental myths everyone needs to unlearn

School is back in session, and many college students around the country are taking their first course in conservation and environmental science. I have taught these introductory courses for 30 years, and have been consistently surprised by the erroneous certainties students bring to the first environmental science lecture.

UCLA faculty voice: California universities launch experiment to go carbon-neutral ‘at scale’

What does it look like when a university decides to walk the walk as well as talk the talk on climate change? The University of California system — which encompasses 10 university campuses and two national scientific research laboratories — is about to find out.

UCLA faculty voice: Words matter when it comes to immigration

Rhetoric around immigrants has taken an ugly turn of late. Recent comments by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are but the tip of a dark iceberg. While the public rhetoric has been loosely focused on the southern border, undocumented immigrants and “anchor babies,” a toxic narrative paints with an expansive brush, tarnishing many hapless targets along its way.

Topanga, Cahuenga and Tujunga — sounds from a rediscovered local language

UCLA linguist Pamela Munro writes about trying to revive the Tongva language for descendants of Southern California’s Gabrielino-Tongva Indians