UCLA Space Scientists Find Way to Monitor Elusive Collisions in Space

Many collisions occur between asteroids and other objects in our solar system, but scientists are not always able to detect or track these impacts from Earth. The “rogue debris” created by such collisions can sometimes catch us by surprise.

Scientists Map Elusive 3-D Structure of Telomerase Enzyme, Key Actor in Cancer, Aging

Like finally seeing all the gears of a watch and how they work together, researchers from UCLA and UC Berkeley have, for the first time ever, solved the puzzle of how the various components of an entire telomerase enzyme complex fit together and function in a three-dimensional structure.

Close social ties make baboons better mothers, study finds

Baboons whose mothers have strong relationships with other females are more likely to survive to adulthood than those with less social mothers, according to a new study by UCLA researchers and colleagues.

Plate tectonics started over 4 billion years ago, geochemists report

A new picture of the early Earth is emerging, including the surprising finding that plate tectonics may have started more than 4 billion years ago — much earlier than scientists had believed.