Job Duties
Tutor students individually and in groups in a variety of subjects.
Employment Non-Discrimination Statement
Within the limits imposed by law or University regulations, the University shall not discriminate against or harass any ASE on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, medical condition, HIV status, status as a covered veteran, age, citizenship, political affiliation and Union activity. For the purposes of this statement, medical condition means any health impairment related to or associated with a diagnosis of cancer, or health impairments related to genetic characteristics.
Minimum Qualifications
The hiring unit may grant exceptions to the minimum eligibility qualifications.
Academic Advancement Program (AAP) Peer Learning
  • AAP hires students to be Peer Learning Facilitators in the following areas: Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • 30 projected positions
  • Applications are available in 1214 Campbell Hall.
  • Minimum Qualifications:
    GPA in major field of 3.0 or above. Demonstrated interpersonal skills and cross-cultural sensitivity. For Humanities lab, also excellent writing skills.

AAP Graduate Mentoring and Research Programs
  • The Graduate Mentoring and Research Programs hire students to serve as research mentors (tutors) for graduate and professional school study.
  • 8 projected positions
  • Applications are available in 1202 Campbell Hall.
  • Minimum Qualifications:
    Currently enrolled graduate students. Demonstrated interpersonal skills and cross-cultural sensitivity.

Academic & Student Services Peer Learning (AS2 PL)
  • Academic & Student Services Peer Learning (AS2 PL) hires students to be peer learning facilitators in the following areas: Composition/ESL, Humanities, Life Sciences, Math/Science and Social Sciences.
  • 30 projected positions
  • Applications are released at the beginning of January and available online with additional position and application information or may be picked up at one of the following campus locations:
              Academic & Student Services Peer Learning (AS2 PL) – 237 Covel Commons
              Athletics Academic & Student Services – 127 Morgan Center
              College Academic Counseling – A316 Murphy (display cabinet in hallway)
              Honors Programs – A311 Murphy Hall
              Division of Undergraduate Education Administration – 2340 Murphy Hall
  • Minimum qualifications:
    Registered undergraduate at UCLA in Spring 2020 and/or Fall 2020.
    Overall GPA of 3.25 or higher.
    Willingness to provide all types of peer learning offered through the labs as assigned, including facilitating group, individual, and/or drop-in appointments and working with the diverse students served by the Academic & Student Services Peer Learning (AS2 PL).
  • Commitment to work a minimum of six (6) hours per week.

Actuarial Mathematics Program
  • The Mathematics Department an actuarial program designed for students interested in working in the actuarial field or the application of mathematics, finance, and statistics. At the end of this program, students will have sufficient knowledge to pass the first four preliminary actuarial exams: P, FM, MFE and MLC.
  • 1 projected position
  • Applications are available at the Mathematics Department Student Services Office (MS 6356) or by emailing
  • Minimum qualifications:
    Registered UCLA students with a minimum overall GPA of 3.2 in course work at UCLA.
    Completion of Math 31AB, 32AB, 33AB, 115A, 131A, (or equivalent courses) and GPA of 3.2 in all college mathematics courses.
    For 172ABC: must have passed the Exam MLC of the SOA/CAS and received an "A-" in Math 172ABC.
    For 173AB: must have passed the Exam C of the SOA/CAS and/or received an "A-" in Math 173AB.
  • The tutor is expected to hold two 1-hour sessions, once a week, and will be allotted one hour of preparation each week - a total of three hours per week. In these workshops, the tutor will explain specific published homework problem solutions; review/discuss an alternate solution approach presented by the student; assist the student with understanding the class text; and/or assist the student with understanding the student’s class notes.

CEED (Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity)
  • CEED hires students to serve as tutors for the annual two-week Freshman Summer Bridge Program in the following areas: Mathematics, Chemistry, and Computer Science.
  • 6 projected positions
  • Applications are available in Boelter Hall 6291.
  • Minimum Qualifications:
    Currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students in Engineering, Math, and Chemistry. GPA of 3.0 or above. Demonstrated interpersonal skills and cross-cultural sensitivity.

College Academic Counseling (CAC) College Academic Mentor Program
  • The College Academic Mentor Program hires and trains graduate students to serve as academic mentors for lower and upper division students in the College of Letters and Science. The goal of the program is to enhance the undergraduate experience and provide assistance to undergraduates in holistically assessing their personal and academic situations and evaluating campus resources that will further their goals at UCLA.
  • 2-3 projected positions
  • Applications are available at A316 Murphy Hall.
  • Minimum Qualifications:
    Full-time registered graduate student in good standing (minimum 3.0 GPA) and making normal progress toward degree for the duration of CAM appointment.
    Strong interpersonal skills and cross-cultural sensitivity.
    At least one year of residency at UCLA, either as a graduate or undergraduate student.
    Previous teaching or student services experience desired.
    Previous experience as a College Academic Mentor (CAM) required.

College Summer Institute (CSI)
  • College Summer Institute hires students to be peer learning facilitators (tutors) in Mathematics and Chemistry for students enrolled in the College Summer Institute (6 weeks; summer session C)
  • 3 projected positions
  • Applications are released in June and available in 201 Covel Commons or by e-mail request to
  • Minimum Qualifications:
    At least three quarters of residence at UCLA.
    Overall GPA of 3.0; 3.5 preferred in relevant courses.
    Experience in peer counseling, mentoring, or tutoring preferred, but not required.
    Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and sensitivity to diversity and multiculturalism.

Freshman/Transfer Summer Programs (F/TSP)
  • AAP hires students to be Peer Learning Facilitators (tutors) for courses during the intensive 6-week summer program for entering freshmen and transfer students. Courses are offered in Math/Science, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • 40 projected positions during Session C
  • Applications are available in 1232 Campbell Hall.
  • Minimum Qualifications:
    GPA in major field of 3.0 or above. Demonstrated interpersonal skills and cross-cultural sensitivity. For Humanities courses, also excellent writing skills.

Undergraduate Research Centers
  • The two undergraduate Research Centers hire graduate students to serve as research mentors (tutors) in Science, Engineering and Mathematics, and the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • 3 projected positions
  • Applications are available in the following locations:
    Science, Engineering and Mathematics - 2121 Life Sciences Building (
    Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - A334 Murphy Hall
  • Minimum qualifications:
    Currently enrolled Ph.D. student in either Science, Engineering and Mathematics, or the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Undergraduate Writing Center
  • The Undergraduate Writing Center hires students to serve as peer learning facilitators in the following undergraduate subject areas: Composition (all subjects across the UCLA curricululm) and ESL.
  • 8 projected positions
  • Minimum qualifications:
    At least three quarters of residence at UCLA
    Minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA is preferred
    Experience in peer counseling, mentoring, or tutoring preferred
    Demonstrated writing and interpersonal skills.
  • Applications are available in Kaplan A61 and online at Click on PLF Application for Summer 2020 & 2020-2021.

Pay Rates - 10/01/2019 (Monthly) & 10/06/2019 (Bi-weekly)
Peer Learning Facilitators, Mentors, Research Mentors (tutors) are paid hourly for hours assigned to work.
 Individual RateGroup Rate

F/TSP Peer Learning Facilitators (tutors)
Peer Learning Facilitators (tutors) are paid a flat rate of $5,454.00 (in 3 equal installments) for the 6-week program during summer 2020.