Staff Human Resources
« Performance Review

Performance Evaluation for Departmental Managers
Executive Summary and Implementation


In 2004, a task team of Department Managers met with the Director of Staff Human Resources for the College to create a performance evaluation process for themselves. Historically, most Department Managers in the College had not received regular performance reviews, in part because there was no process which was tailored to the particular challenges inherent in the position. The goal of the task team was to create such a process, fulfilling the following objectives:
Performance Evaluation Form

A sample Performance Evaluation form is attached. It consists of three parts:

During fall quarter, the Department Manager will develop the objectives and factors most important to his/her position. They will be reviewed by the Assistant Dean and the Director Staff Human Resources. The manager will then meet with the Chair/Director to finalize the objectives and factors for the review. This is the most important part of the process. If the customized evaluation form truly represents the important functions and expectations for the position, the review itself will be straightforward.

Prior to fall quarter 2005, the manager will prepare a self-assessment of his/her performance against the objectives. After the Chair/Director receives it, he/she will write a first draft of the evaluation. Before it is discussed with the manager, the review should be forwarded to the Director of Staff Human Resources who will look at it with the Assistant Dean and make any recommendations to the Chair. After the evaluation is finalized, the Chair will meet with the manager, discuss it, and begin the process of setting objectives for the following year.


When What Who
Fall quarter Managers write objectives,
choose factors
Review objectives and factors Assistant Dean, Director
Staff Human Resources
Finalize objectives Managers, Chairs/Directors
Summer Self-assessment Managers
Summer/fall quarter  Write evaluation Chairs/Directors
Review evaluation Assistant Dean, Director
Staff Human Resources
Performance evaluation finalized; evaluation discussion Managers, Chairs/Directors